Thursday, September 8, 2011

Research Exploration Blog I: Idea development, Freewriting

There are many different topics that I would love to explore for the final paper.  Some recent hot topics include binge drinking on college campuses, whether or not companies should allow their employees exercise breaks during work time, whether legalization of marijuana in the U.S. would be beneficial or detrimental, etc.
Over the summer, I took a class called Personal and Family Health here at UF and learned a lot about the severity of binge drinking on college campuses, specifically here at UF! It is honestly scary and terribly sad how many kids our age participate in binge drinking, or overindulging, in alcohol on a normal basis.  In the past few months, I have heard of several kids that I grew up with who drank too much one night and ended up dying because of that one night of bad choices!  I know that binge drinking is becoming more and more prevalent, especially amongst college aged kids, and it is an issue we could all use to learn more about and become more informed about!
Recently, I have been reading and hearing a lot about companies debating about whether or not to give their employees time to exercise during work hours.  Some studies say that allowing the employees "down time" to participate in physical activity actually improves their work ethic and productivity during the work day! However, as always, some people would take advantage of the time and not use the time for its intended purpose.  I think it would be very interesting to take a deeper look at some of the logistics of this debate and some of the ideas and key points on both sides of the argument!
The legalization of marijuana has been being debated for quite a while now, and it is a topic that I am very intrigued by, because I see both sides of the story.  I know that marijuana really is helpful to cancer patients going through chemo and people with other diseases, but I also know that as with everything else, if marijuana was legalized, some people would take advantage and use it for recreational purposes rather than its intended medicinal purposes!
I find all of these topics very appealing and I would love to research and write about any of these, so that I will learn more about the topic in the process and be more informed!

1 comment:

  1. To me, the 2nd topic seems most fruitful for a surprising thesis. You could look at this in terms of the "business" field or the health field (or an intersection of both). Marijuana and binge drinking are prone to repeating the same arguments over and over again (although I agree they can be interesting).
